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The Asia-Pacific School and Workshop on Gravitation and Cosmology(APSW-GC) 2023 Held at the Picturesque "Eco·Economy" Senior Talent Hub
The Asia-Pacific School and Workshop on Gravitation and Cosmology(APSW-GC) 2023 Held at the Picturesque "Eco·Economy" Senior Talent Hub
by admin - May 24, 2023

The Asia-Pacific School and Workshop on Gravitation and Cosmology (APSW-GC) has been held in the “Eco·Economy” Senior Talent Hub by the side of beautiful Qiandao Lake in Chun’an County, Hangzhou from May 14 to May 22, 2023. This 9-day long school is organized by the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP-AP) and co-hosted by the Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP), Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study of UCAS, Institute of Theoretical Physics of CAS, National Astronomical Observatories, CAS and Zhejiang University of Technology.What’s worth mentioning is that there were over ten invited foreign physicists coming from afar and giving lectures on gravity cosmology, including gravitational wave and basic physics, black hole physics, dark matter and dark energy, inflation and cosmology. This event also provided a platform for the experts and scholars from China and overseas to exchange their academic ideas with each other so as to promote the academic cooperation among scientists and the training of graduate and doctoral students in the Asia-Pacific Region in the field of gravitation and cosmology. The APSW-GC 2023 was held in the “Eco·Economy” Senior Talent Hub by the side of beautiful Qiandao Lake and participants all enjoyed the pleasant environment and cultural atmosphere of the place. Professor Robert Mann from University of Waterloo in Canada and Professor Sang Pyo Kim from Kunsan Naional University in South Korea who came to the Chun’an county for the first time, said that “we didn’t feel any foreignness here, yet we felt comfortable and relaxed, just like at home. We could breathe the wild nature and it’s really suitable for academic research here”. It is believed that this school and workshop will continue to strengthen the cooperation and exchange between the ICTP-AP and distinguished universities across the world and expand its international influence. 

New Method to Reveal the Cosmological First-order Phase Transition
New Method to Reveal the Cosmological First-order Phase Transition
by admin - Feb 7, 2023

Various observations from particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology have suggested that the standard model of particle physics for describing the microscopic structure of matter is not complete. It is then one of the vital scientific problems of current particle physics and cosmological observations to search for the signals of new physics beyond the standard model of particle physics. Many new physics models beyond the standard model of particle physics predict the cosmological first-order phase transitions during the evolution of our Universe. With the temperature decreasing due to the expansion of the Universe, symmetries at high energy scales would be broken simultaneously, and the associated quantum field would decay into the true vacuum from the false vacuum by quantum tunneling via the nucleation and expansion of true-vacuum bubbles, resulting in the energy transfer into the kinetic energy of bubble walls and background fluid, similar to the violent process of frozen ice from supercooling water. The following collisions among expanding bubbles would induce large fluctuations in the energy density. Therefore, as a violent process in the early Universe, the cosmological first-order phase transitions could produce various observational effects, including the stochastic gravitational wave background, primordial magnetic field, and baryon asymmetry, making it feasible to probe or constrain the new physics from astrophysical and cosmological observations. The gravitational-wave observation from cosmological first-order phase transition is also one of the main scientific targets of many gravitational-wave observational projects.Recently, the postdoc Dr. Jing Liu from the International Centre for Theoretical Physics Asia-Pacific of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the associate researcher Prof. Ligong Bian from Chongqing University, the researchers Prof. Rong-Gen Cai, Prof. Zong-Kuan Guo, and the postdoc Dr. Shao-Jiang Wang from the Institute of Theoretical Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences have proposed a new mechanism for the productions of primordial black holes, and given rise to rigorous constraints on the properties of cosmological first-order phase transitions from the astrophysical observational data. Due to the randomness of quantum tunneling, the progress of vacuum decay varies in different regions. Note that the false vacuum energy density barely changes with the cosmological expansion, while the energy densities of other matter components like radiations and cold dark matter are rapidly diluted with the expansion of the Universe. Therefore, the regions of vacuum decay that fall behind the others would admit higher energy densities after the phase transition. This is to say that the cosmological first-order phase transition would induce fluctuations in energy density. These high-energy-density regions would eventually produce primordial black holes via gravitational collapse, and these primordial black holes are almost monochromatic in their mass spectrum. The relevant paper has been published as a Letter in Phys. Rev.D 105 (2022) L021303. The primordial black holes produced with this mechanism and the associated gravitational waves could explain the merger rate of black hole binaries observed in LIGO-Virgo collaborations as well as the signal from the NANOGrav observation.They also discovered that the first-order phase transition could induce superhorizon curvature perturbations, and in turn probe and constrain the phase-transition properties from the observations of the curvature perturbations at small cosmological scales. The nucleation rate of true vacuum bubbles per unit time and per unit volume could be obtained from the quantum tunneling. After the phase transition, the regions with a scale larger than the product of phase-transition duration and light speed share no causal connection, and the causality requires the energy density spectrum of curvature perturbations to be proportional to the cube of wavenumber. Hence, if the superhorizon scale is considered, the induced curvature perturbations from phase transitions could largely surpass the primordial perturbations from the early-universe inflation so that it can be probed by various astrophysical observations, including the temperature anisotropies and spectrum distortion in the cosmic microwave background radiations and the number density in ultra-compact minihalos. In turn, we could also constrain the phase-transition properties via the upper bounds on the curvature perturbations from these astrophysical observations.Figure 1: Constraints on the parameter space of phase transition from different observations on the curvature perturbations, where alpha denotes the phase-transition strength, beta/H_* denotes the phase-transition rate,  and T_* is the phase-transition temperature. The gray solid curves and gray dotted curves in the left and middle panels are constraints from the gravitational-wave background and big bang nucleosynthesis, respectively.They have obtained the power spectrum of the curvature perturbations induced from the first-order phase transitions, and for the first time given rise to rigorous constraints on the phase-transition parameters from the upper bounds on the curvature perturbations from astrophysical observations. The relevant paper has been published in Phys. Rev. Lett 130 (2023) 051001. As shown in Figure 1, all constraints on the cosmological first-order phase transitions below the electroweak scale are obtained from the upper bounds on the curvature perturbations from the big bang nucleosynthesis (blue curves), the temperature anisotropies and spectrum distortion in the cosmic microwave background radiations (green curves), and the number density in ultra-compact minihalos (orange solid curves from pulsar timing array and orange dashed curves from Gamma-ray detections). This study largely enhances the previous constraints from the stochastic gravitational-wave background (gray solid curves) and big bang nucleosynthesis (gray dotted curves) on the QCD first-order phase transition, low-energy dark-sector first-order phase transition, and some of the electroweak first-order phase transition, in particular the low-energy transitions and slow first-order phase transitions.This study is supported by relevant projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.Link: https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.051001Contact:Jing Liu: liujing@ucas.ac.cnInternational Centre for Theoretical Physics Asia-Pacific 

ICTP-AP Summer School 2022 Draws to a Close
ICTP-AP Summer School 2022 Draws to a Close
by admin - Jul 12, 2022

The five-day long summer school jointly held by International Centre for Theoretical Physics Asia-Pacific (ICTP-AP) and Taiji Laboratory for Gravitational Wave Universe was successfully concluded on 8th July, 2022. During the week, students from over 30 universities and science institutes gathered virtually to explore the myth of basic physics and enjoy the beauty of science, with 20 lectures centered on gravity, black hole and quanta to cosmos, gravitational wave detection and accurate measurement given by eleven experts and professors.  Group photo of the students and staffThis virtual summer school has provided an important platform for the young talents to reach the frontiers of international disciplines so as to attract more youth to devote themselves to the research field of gravitational wave detection, become a member of the Taiji Program in Space and make their own contribution to Chinese space gravitational wave detection mission in the future.

IYBSSD 2022 Officially Launched in China
IYBSSD 2022 Officially Launched in China
by admin - Jul 1, 2022

On 30 June 2022, the launching ceremony of the “Forum on Frontiers of Quanta to Cosmos Physics” was held successfully. The International Centre for Theoretical Physics Asia-Pacific (UNESCO Category 2 Centre), Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS, and Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, UCAS jointly organized this forum, marking the official launch of the "2022 International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development" in China. Five online platforms broadcasted this event and attracted more than 50,000 participations.At the beginning of the forum, six leaders from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China, and research institutions actively expressed their support for IYBSSD 2022 and the “Forum on Frontiers of Quanta to Cosmos Physics". Then, six academicians delivered academic reports on the development history, current situation, and frontier prospects of theoretical physics.  As one of the IYBSSD 2022 events in China, the Forum on Frontiers of Quanta to Cosmos Physics mainly focuses on the significance of basic science to original innovation, scientific and technological development, and sustainable development. From 30 June to 31 December 2022, the forum will hold separate forums corresponding to different topics including: Particle Physics and Origin of Matter, Unified Field Theory and Origin of Universe, Dark Universe and Black Hole Physics, Nuclear and Plasma Physics, Gravitational Waves and Precision Measurement Physics, and Fundamental Physics and Quantum Century.The sub-forum will invite scientists working on the front line of scientific research to share their experiences and insights of basic sciences research, to enhance the public's understanding of basic science and stimulate young people's interest in participating in basic science research.The Forum on Frontiers of Quanta to Cosmos Physics is supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Hyperunified Field Theory Opens Up A New Way to Reveal the Essence of Spacetime and Gravity and the Origin of Matter and Universe
Hyperunified Field Theory Opens Up A New Way to Reveal the Essence of Spacetime and Gravity and the Origin of Matter and Universe
by admin - Dec 20, 2021

At present, human beings know that there are four fundamental interactions in nature: gravitation, electromagnetism, strong and weak interactions. Gravitation is described by Einstein’s general theory of relativity, electromagnetic interactions are described by Maxwell equations, strong interactions are described by quantum chromodynamics (the binding of protons and neutrons into nuclei exhibits strong interactions), and weak interactions are described by electroweak model (some radioactive decays of unstable elements are caused by weak interactions, such as ß-decay). One of the ultimate goals of theoretical physics is to find a theoretical framework that can describe the four fundamental interactions in a unified way, i.e., the unified theory.Why should we unify different theories? In the development history of theoretical physics, unified theories describing different physical phenomena appeared more than once, and each unification made human beings have a deeper understanding of nature. For example, it is intuitively believed that electricity and magnetism are different natural phenomena, but Maxwell advanced a set of equations, which can describe electricity and magnetism in a unified way, indicating that electricity and magnetism are essentially the same, that is, electricity can generate magnetism, and magnetism can generate electricity, which laid a foundation for the development of motors, generators and radio communication. Current research in theoretical physics shows that the electroweak and strong interactions can be described by the Standard Model of particle physics, but they are still relatively independent and have not formed a unified model. In addition, gravitational interaction is essentially different from other interactions. The general theory of relativity describing gravitation is still a classical theory described by spacetime geometric dynamics, not a quantum theory. Therefore, it has always been the goal of theoretical physicists to find the quantum theory of gravitation and unify the electroweak interaction, strong interaction and gravitational interaction. In the search for a unified theory, Einstein made many attempts in the rest of his life, but failed. In recent decades, theoretical physicists put forward and developed the superstring theory, which is considered as a possible candidate for the unified theory. However, there is no final conclusion on this issue. One hundred years after Einstein put forward the Unified Field Theory, Yueliang Wu, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Director of ICTP-AP, Director of Taiji Laboratory for Gravitational Wave Universe of UCAS, and Director of Academic Committee of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS) has completed the systematic research work of The Foundation of the Hyperunified Field Theory. It opens up a new way to reveal the basic composition, symmetry and basic interactions of nature, the essence of spacetime and gravitation, and the origin of matter and the universe. It is a new attempt to the unified theory. The exploration and research of The Foundation of the Hyperunified Field Theory breaks the usual thinking formed since Einstein’s theory of relativity. Instead of starting directly from the existing concepts of symmetry, spacetime and its geometry, it takes the concepts of matter and motion as the basic starting point, that is, nature is composed of fundamental building blocks, which have intrinsic structures and are in motion constantly, and their motion is simple and regular. In order to realize such concepts of matter and motion reasonably and consistently in physics, The Foundation of the Hyperunified Field Theory takes the action principle of path integral formulation, which has been successfully applied to quantum field theory and classical physics, as its theoretical form system, the maximum coherence motion principle and locally entangled-qubits motion principle, together with the principle of scaling and gauge invariance are proposed and served as the foundation of hyperunified field theory. Starting from the basic matter field and motion concept and based on the existing physical phenomena and experiments, The Foundation of the Hyperunified Field Theory puts forward the basic guiding principles for establishing hyperunified field theory. Through detailed physical analysis and systematic theoretical deduction and induction, it can solve a series of long-standing basic problems in fundamental theoretical physics. For example, why are the fundamental building blocks of nature presented as spinor fields? What is the fundamental symmetry of nature and how it came into being? What is the basic attribute of spacetime and how it is embodied? How to determine the spacetime dimension of nature? Why time is different from space, and time is one-dimensional? Why there are more than one generation of leptons and quarks in nature? Why is the material world observed a four-dimensional spacetime universe? Whether the four basic interactions known in nature can be dominated by unified fundamental symmetry? What is the essence of gravitation and how it is characterized by hyperunified fundamental symmetry? What is the essence and structure of spacetime? How to understand the origin and evolution of the universe and how the early inflation of the universe occurred? What are the properties of dark matter and whether its existence implies new interactions in nature? What is the essence of dark energy and whether its presentation comes from new interactions in nature? Why today’s universe presents parity breaking and asymmetry between matter and antimatter? Whether the unified description of the fundamental laws of physics is uniquely determined by the concepts of matter and motion, and what kind of energy concepts, spacetime concepts, geometric concepts and cosmic concepts it will lead to? Academician Yueliang Wu’s related research results have been written into two articles, The foundation of the Hyperunified Field Theory I-Fundamental Building Block and Symmetry and The foundation of the Hyperunified Field Theory II-Fundamental Interaction and Evolving Universe, which were published in the International Journal of Modern Physics A (IJMPA Vol.36, No.28) with the special issue The foundation of the Hyperunified Field Theory (301 pages in total):“Special Issue on the Foundation of the Hyperunified Field Theory”  https://www.worldscientific.com/toc/ijmpa/36/28 “The Foundation of the Hyperunified Field Theory I —Fundamental   Building Block and Symmetry”( IJMPA Vol.36, No.28, 2143001 (2021); arXiv:2104.05404 )  https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0217751X21430016 “The Foundation of the Hyperunified Field Theory II —Fundamental Interaction and Evolving Universe” ”( IJMPA Vol.36, No.28, 2143002 (2021); arXiv:2104.05404 )    https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0217751X21430028 He was invited to give talks on related work at the 2020/2021 Autumn Conference of Chinese Physical Society and the 28th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY2021):The Foundation of Hyperunified Field Theory & Opportunity of New Scientific Revolution https://www.koushare.com/video/videodetail/16871  The Foundation of Unified Theory & Space Gravitational Wave Detection https://indico.cern.ch/event/875077/contributions/4488999/ The research above is supported by national funds, including the national key research and development plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology “Gravitational Wave Detection” key project, major projects of “Research on Physical Problems Related to Gravitational Waves” of National Natural Science Foundation of China, key projects related to dark matter attributes, “Special Fund for Theoretical Physics”. “Multi-Band Gravitational Wave Universe Research-Taiji Plan Pre-Study” and “Taiji Program for Space Gravitational Wave Detection” of  Strategic Priority Research Program of CAS.

Taiji-1 Satellite Released the Scientific Achievements of the First Stage
Taiji-1 Satellite Released the Scientific Achievements of the First Stage
by admin - Jul 26, 2021

On July 20, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) held a press conference on the scientific achievements of “Strategic Priority Research Program” in Beijing. WU Yue-Liang, vice president of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) and chief scientist of the Taiji program, on behalf of the scientific collaboration team, released the scientific achievements of Taiji-1 satellite in the first stage.Taiji-1 satellite was officially delivered to UCAS in orbit in January 2020. The results of the first-stage in-orbit test and data analysis show that the Taiji-1 has achieved the highest precision of space laser interferometry in China. The accuracy of displacement measurement of the laser interferometer on Taiji-1 reached 100pm/Hz1/2, 25 pm/Hz1/2 in some frequency bands. The accuracy of the gravitational reference sensor on the satellite reached 10-10ms-2/Hz1/2, and the sensing accuracy and range ratio reaches the best level of 2×10-6/Hz1/2 in China. For the first time in the world, the on-orbit verification of the micro-thruster radio-frequency(RF) ion and dual-mode Hall electric propulsion technology has been realized. The micro-propulsion system achieves 0.15μN/Hz1/2 noise level, and the thrust measurement accuracy is better than 0.02μN/Hz1/2. The first on-orbit experiment of drag-free control of satellite was carried out in China, and the residual acceleration is better than 10-8ms-2/Hz1/2. The temperature control of the satellite platform reaches ± 2.6mk.The results of these in-orbit tests have been published in Communications Physics, one of the Nature-branded journals (read more). The realization of these important indicators verified the feasibility of the key technology of space gravitational wave detection, and took the first step of China's space gravitational wave detection, laying a foundation for China to make a breakthrough in the field of space gravitational wave detection.Meanwhile, International Journal of Modern Physics A of the World Scientific Press has published more detailed experimental results of Taiji-1 in the form of an album, including 26 papers, from more than 180 researchers, more than 30 cooperative units (read more). This album covers the interferometer system, gravity reference sensor, micro-thruster system, drag-free control, ultra-stable and ultra-static satellite technology, and introduces the data processing process of Taiji-1 in detail.In addition, the Taiji team has made great progress in the research of the scientific target of gravitational wave detection in space. For the first time in the world, the Taiji team proposed to use "Taiji-LISA" for networked observation, published in Nature Astronomy, which is expected to improve the accuracy of The Hubble constant to five parts per thousand (read more). The networked observations will allow faster and more accurate positioning of gravitational wave sources and are expected to improve accuracy by up to four orders of magnitude.Taiji-1 was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on 31 August 2019, and it was China’s first satellite to conduct in-orbit experiments on the key technologies related to space-borne Gravitational Wave (GW) detection. It’s also the first step of Taiji program, which is a Chinese space-borne GW detection mission leading by Chinese Academy of Sciences. Taiji-1 has successfully completed all the preset on-orbit experiment tasks, and will further explore the performance limit of the payload on orbit, long life, and optimization of the drag-free control strategy and other expanded experiments.UCAS is the user and scientific application undertaking unit of Taiji-1. The National Space Science Center is responsible for the overall project and the ground support system. The satellite system was developed by the Micro Satellite Innovation Institute of the CAS. The cooperative units participating in the payload development also includes, Institute of Mechanics, CAS, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, CAS, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS, Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, CAS, Lanzhou Institute of Physics, CAST, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore etc.

ICTP-AP 2021 Gravitational Wave Summer School Held Successfully in Beijing
ICTP-AP 2021 Gravitational Wave Summer School Held Successfully in Beijing
by admin - Jul 22, 2021

The “ICTP-AP 2021 and Gravitational Wave Summer School” sponsored by ICTP-AP and Taiji Laboratory was successfully held in Beijing from July 15 to 21, 2021. Students from more than 30 universities and research institutes across China went to Beijing to participate in this activity and successfully graduated.                                    At the opening ceremony, Yong Xie, Director of International Cooperation Department of UCAS, brought the First Lesson of School to the students. He talked about the development and innovation of higher education of CAS from 1950s, and brought everyone a comprehensive understanding of UCAS, an innovative university with the integration of science and education as the school mode, postgraduate education as the principle and elite undergraduate education as the school characteristics.Professor Congfeng Qiao, Secretary General of Taiji Consortium, welcomed all the students and introduced the development of Taiji Programme for space gravitational wave detection. He said that it was a long and arduous undertaking to explore the scientific frontier related to gravitational wave, and all students present might be the mainstay of gravitational wave detection in the future, so students need to constantly strengthen their fundamental scientific knowledge and learn about the scientific frontier subjects to lay a solid foundation for future research.In the following week,17 experts and teachers were invited to give more than 20 lectures on gravitation, black holes and quantum universe, gravitational wave detection and precision measurement technology, and discussed about the frontier of theoretical physics science with the students.Students were discussing questions with teachers after classesAt the closing ceremony on the July 21, Academician Yueliang Wu, director of ICTP-AP, gave a lecture on the frontier of gravitational universe and the essence of time and space. He introduced the latest scientific research achievements of “Taiji-1”, the first satellite of Taiji Programme: “Taiji-1” team had put forward the proposal of using “Taiji-LISA” for networking observation for the first time in the world, which was expected to improve the accuracy of Hubble constant to 0.5%, to locate the position of gravitational wave source faster and more accurately, and improve the accuracy by four orders of magnitude. Taiji-1 has completed all preset experimental tasks and achieved the highest precision space laser interferometry in China. It has completed all the performance verification of micro-newton radio frequency ion propulsion and hall-effect micro thruster technology for the first time in the world. It has taken the lead in realizing the breakthrough of two kinds of drag-free control technologies in China, and the sensing accuracy and range of gravitational reference sensor reached the best compared with others in the same level in China, meeting the needs of Taiji-2 and approaching the needs of Taiji-3 in the future. In the ever-changing era, we hope all the students will have great ambitions, be courageous and strive for the development of foundamental sciences.

World Quantum Day on April 14th-China’s Plan Officially Launched
World Quantum Day on April 14th-China’s Plan Officially Launched
by admin - Apr 14, 2021

On April 14, 2021, Quantum Century (2025) China Plan and the first series of lectures on quantum science and technology were successfully held in Beijing. The event was jointly organized by ICTP-AP, the Institute of Theoretical Physics (ITP), the Institute for the History of Natural Sciences (IHNS) and Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS. As the kick-off conferenceof “Quantum Century (2025)” in China, this event was broadcast live by KouShare Academic Platform online and offline, attracting more than 2,700 active participants. Academician Yueliang Wu , Vice President of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) and Director of ICTP-AP gave a themed lecture of “Meeting the New Quantum Century and Igniting the New Scientific Revolution”. Wu Yueliang first reviewed the centennial history of quantum theory, then introduced the scientific and technological progress brought by the development of quantum theory, and looked forward to the scientific and technological revolution of quantum in the new century. Finally, he briefly introduced his recent work on “The basics of hyperunified field theory”.Shenghua Hu , deputy editor-in-chief of Science Press and Director of publishing centre,Baichun Zhang , researcher at IHNS and academician of the International Academy of the History of Science jointly gave a themed lecture on “Wang Shoujing and Early Quantum Mechanics Research”, which mainly introduced the contributions made by Wang Shoujing and his research to the development of quantum mechanics. They also briefly summarized the theoretical physics situation in the United States before and after the birth of quantum mechanics and the observation on China’s early development of physics.(left to right:Yueliang Wu,Shenghua Hu,Baichun Zhang)Shangui Zhou , deputy director of ITP, and Xiaowu Guan , deputy director of IHNS attended the kick-off conferenceand delivered speeches. Jinyan Liu, associate researcher at IHNS introduced the origin of “Quantum Century 2025” and proposed more experts and scholars to participate together.(left to right :Shangui Zhou,Xiaowu Guan,Jinyan Liu)In the 20th century, people knew about the micro-world based on quantum mechanics and developed a series of important scientific and technological achievements. The new century of quantum is coming, and there are still many unknowns about quantum. We expect more young scholars to join in relevant research, driving a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and promote major scientific and technological innovation. Background Introduction of Quantum Century 2025 At the end of the 19th century, physicists gradually realized that classical physics could not explain all the phenomena in the microscopic world reasonably, and began to explore new theories. In 1900, Max Planck first put forward the concept of “quantum”. By the mid-1920s, physicists gradually constructed the core theory of quantum mechanics. In 1925, Heisenberg, Born and Jordan cooperated to develop the matrix mechanics form of quantum mechanics. In 1926, Schrodinger developed the wave mechanics form of quantum mechanics and proved its equivalence with matrix mechanics. The establishment of quantum mechanics has broken the barriers of classical physics, reshaped people's cognition of science and the world, and stimulated a series of major changes in science and technology.“Quantum Century (2025)” was initiated by American Physical Society in 2020. It aims to review the interaction among theory, experiment, technology and culture in the development of quantum mechanics in the past centuryLooking forward to the development of quantum materials, quantum computing and other technologies in the next century, so as to deepen the public's understanding of quantum mechanics. Similar to the International Year of Physics in 2005 and the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies  in 2015, UNESCO is planning to designate 2025 as the International Quantum Year. At present, research institutions and universities from many countries and regions, such as European Physical Society, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Max Planck Society of Germany, International Centre for Theoretical Physics of Italy, Bohr Archives of Denmark, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research of Russia, Physical Societies of Korea and India have participated in this activity.According to the reduced Planck constant h=4. 13566 × 10 (-15) eV∙s, international physicists suggest that April 14th be designated as the celebration day from 2021. By launching quantum themed activities all over the world, we can review the centennial history of quantum science and look forward to its development in the next century, so as to deepen the public's understanding of quantum science.【相关报道】科学网:http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2021/4/456016.shtm

[Summary]Taiji programme appeared at the China's Space Conference
[Summary]Taiji programme appeared at the China's Space Conference
by admin - Sep 20, 2020

太极计划亮相中国航天大会 相关报道抢先看    中科院自2008年开始论证我国空间引力波探测的可行性,提出了我国空间引力波探测“太极计划”,确定“单星、双星、三星”的“三步走”发展战略和路线图。2019年8月,我国首颗空间引力波探测技术实验卫星“太极一号”成功发射,标志着太极计划“三步走”第一步任务目标已成功实现。    在2020年9月18日召开的中国航天大会主论坛上,中国科学院院士、空间引力波探测“太极计划”首席科学家吴岳良发布了“太极二号”双星计划提前迎来的消息。目前,“太极一号”转入拓展实验阶段,“太极二号”双星计划启动后,也正在按照原定计划稳步向前推进。“太极二号”双星计划在整个“太极计划”中具有承上启下的重要意义,以此为契机,“太极计划”计划将于2023年后发射“太极二号”卫星,2033年左右发射“太极三号”卫星,从而完成太空卫星编队的部署。届时,三颗卫星将在绕日轨道上组成一个边长300万公里等边三角形卫星编队,帮助人类更好地探索和认识恒星、星系和黑洞的并和与演化。    吴岳良院士的报告引起了社会的热烈反响,新华社、央视网、中国新闻网、每经网、朝闻天下、光明网等媒体相继报导了这一重大进展。【新闻链接】    新华社:中科院启动“太极二号”双星计划探测空间引力波  http://www.xinhuanet.com/2020-09/19/c_1126515081.htm    央视网:http://news.cctv.com/2020/09/20/ARTIbuuOb3VIeWn6uJgNvEqz200920.shtml    中国新闻网:中科院正按规划路线图启动空间引力波探测计划第二步“太极二号”双星计划http://www.chinanews.com/gn/2020/09-18/9294267.shtml    每经网:http://www.nbd.com.cn/articles/2020-09-20/1508849.html      朝闻天下:http://www.cas.ac.cn/spx/202009/t20200921_4760540.shtml    光明网:https://www.sohu.com/a/419509040_162758    环球科学网:https://finance.sina.com.cn/tech/2020-09-21/doc-iivhvpwy8046170.shtml