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All Student Activities (8)

by admin - May 11, 2024

中国科学院大学国际理论物理中心(亚太地区)2024年优秀大学生夏令营报名通知中国科学院大学国际理论物理中心(亚太地区)将在本期夏令营营员中遴选推荐免试研究生候选人。欢迎有意报考我中心推荐免试研究生的学生积极申报并参加本期夏令营活动。一、中心介绍联合国教科文组织国际理论物理中心(亚太地区),英文全称: International Centre for Theoretical Physics Asia-Pacific,英文缩写:ICTP-AP,是联合国教科文组织在国内基础科学方面设立的第一个二类中心,是进行基础科学前沿与相关交叉科学领域高水平科研、教育和培训的非营利性组织。中心由中国科学院、国家自然科学基金委员会和国际理论物理中心共同建设,依托于中国科学院大学进行组织建设和机构发展。中心在中国科学院"太极计划"工作组的基础上,联合全国参与空间引力波探测工作的科研机构、高等院校发起形成了空间引力波探测“太极计划”联盟,凝聚全国致力于引力波理论和探测实验硏究的科硏工作者,开展空间引力波探测的研究工作。中心主要招生方向:理论物理、精密测量物理二、活动安排为促进全国高校优秀学生间的交流,拓展学生的科研眼界和学术视野,选拔具有发展潜力的优秀大学生来我中心深造,中国科学院大学国际理论物理中心(亚太地区)计划于6月底至7月初在北京中关村校区举办全国优秀大学生夏令营,旨在全国大学范围内招收优秀本科生。夏令营期间将介绍我中心的筹建历程、学科方向、师资队伍和学术前沿成果,同时还将设置实地参观、导师双选交流、优秀营员面试选拔等环节,详细日程安排以入营手册为准。夏令营学员是我中心推免生的重要来源,获得优秀营员称号的学员将获得免试录取为推免生的机会。欢迎有志到我中心深造的优秀学生报名!三、招生计划本期夏令营招生计划为40人左右。四、申请条件1、申请人须是重点院校在校大三学生(2025年夏季毕业),专业排名和综合素质排名均名列前茅或有出色的科研成果者优先考虑。2、对理论物理,或空间引力波探测相关的理论、技术或工程问题有浓厚兴趣,有较强的潜在研究能力,有志于从事学术研究工作。五、申请材料1、个人简历(含教育背景、实践经历、获奖情况及未来研究方向计划等)。2、由学校盖章的本科成绩单(前五学期)及排名。4、英语相关成绩证明(国家英语四、六级成绩单或其他成绩证明)。5、其他获奖证明材料,可包括:获奖证书、专利证书复印件,发表或未发表的、能体现自身学术水平的学术论文等。(其中已发表论文提供期刊目录、论文首页,未发表论文提供单页摘要)。6、1封副教授及以上老师推荐信(非必须提交项)。六、申请流程1、网上报名:申请者请于2024年5月31日前进入申请链接完成相关注册并上传申请材料。申请链接:https://ictp-ap.org/form/73#/ 请将申请材料按顺序扫描合并为一个PDF文件上传至附件(文件大小最好不超过20M),文件命名为:“姓名+学校+专业”。2、资格审核:申请者的入选资格由我中心组织的专家委员会审核。3、资格确认:夏令营营员录取名单将以电子邮件的形式通知学生本人确认,未录取人员将不再另行通知。七、特别说明1、鼓励申请者报名时与感兴趣的招生导师进行沟通,我中心招生导师信息见如下网页:https://ictp-ap.ucas.ac.cn/index.php/zh/szdw/xsdas2、申请人须承诺所有申报材料和信息属实,如有弄虚作假,一经查实取消本人参营资格。3、营员在夏令营期间产生的食宿、交通费用,我中心将给予一定补助。4、营员规定时间内未报到确认将视为自动放弃入营资格,报到后要求全程参加活动,无故缺席将取消营员资格。5、夏令营活动期间学生安全由本人负责,我中心将为营员购买意外险。八、联系方式联系人:孟老师 010-82640448邮箱:mengfanzi@ucas.ac.cn地址:北京市海淀区中关村东路80号中国科学院大学中关村校区

New Semester, New Beginning
New Semester, New Beginning
by Le Zhang, Min Zhang - Feb 26, 2024

February 26 marks the first day of UCASers’ spring semester in 2024. After a brief break for the Spring Festival, ICTP-APers have gone back to school for a new semester. During the winter vocation, teachers and students have captured the beautiful scenery with their lenses and now let's take a look at their spectacular shootings. From this photo, we can see that the tree is decorated with many red lanterns because it is a custom for Chinese to adorn their doors with red couplets and colorful lantersn to enrich the festival asmosphere. This group of photo displays the beautiful scenery after snow.These two photos were taken in Macau and HK respectively, the first one is the fireworks set to celebrate the Chinese New Year and the second one is the Ferris Wheel featured by four Chinese characters “Long Lai Yun Zhuan”, which means that luck comes to you as the Year of the Dragon approaches.This photo is taken at the front gate of the Old Summer Palace, which is also known as “Yuanmingyuan”This photo is taken in Guangzhou.The Spring Festival is one of the most significant traditional celebrations in Chinese culture, marking a momentous occasion for family gatherings and shared joy. The year of 2024 is also the Year of the Dragon or Loong, therefore, the dragon rightfully takes center stage. Now, let us warmly welcome the auspicious dragon and together create a symphony of happiness for the new year.Home is where the heart is. In the 2024 Spring Festival, ICTP-APers scattered across the country, yet their hearts and hands are still connected. This traditional holiday of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new has become a collective journey that fosters a sense of belonging, fulfillment, and happiness among the ICTP-AP community. Amidst the warmth and nostalgia, it adds new meaning and responsibility to the Dragon Year's new spring, making everyone’s heart warmer, bringing students and faculty closer, and strengthening their love for UCAS. Editor: Le Zhang, Min ZhangPhotographers: Fanzi Meng, Le Zhang, Min Zhang, Qimin Song

2023 Winter School on Frontier and Interdisciplinary Sciences for International Students in UCAS----A Journey of Wonder
2023 Winter School on Frontier and Interdisciplinary Sciences for International Students in UCAS----A Journey of Wonder
by Zhang Le - Jan 23, 2024

The 2023 Winter School on Frontier and Interdisciplinary Sciences was held from 14th January to 20th January in Yunnan Province. It was organized by the International College and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics-Asia-Pacific, and hosted by Kunming Institute of Zoology, Kunming Institute of Botany and Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of CAS. Over 60 students from different institutes of CAS participated in the 6-day activity. A Journey of Interdisciplinary SciencesDuring the winter school, we have invited experts and professors from different fields, including botany, zoology, ecology, microbiology, environmental science, biochemistry and molecular biology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, bioinformatics, cell biology and genetics, so as to encourage students to engage in interdisciplinary scientific research and innovative exploration across different disciplines.We have also invited a professor from the Foreign Language School of Yunnan University to deliver a report on China’s national condition, enabling a valuable opportunity for international students to have a glimpse of the history, culture, music and development of China. A Journey of LifeAs one of a few areas that have tropical forests at about 20 degrees North latitude, Yunnan province is well-known for its plant diversity. Thanks to its various geographic features, Yunnan is also rich in animal resources. During this winter school, we have also arranged a field study in Fu Li Palace Greenhouses and Tea Garden at Kunming Institute of Botany, the Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology and Xishuangbanna Tropical Forest Garden. Students were impressed by the biodiversity of Yunnan and learned a lot about the animal and plant species in those gardens and museums, inspiring them to carry out cross-disciplinary scientific research and value the importance of biodiversity to sustainable development. A Journey of CultureDuring the 6-day school, we have also brought the international students to the memorial hall of the National Southwest Associated University (SWAU). Built in Kunming during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, SWAU represented a merger of Peking University, Tsinghua University, and Nankai University as a comprehensive university. Over its eight-year tenure, the university was a gathering place of accomplished masters and renowned scholars, including Chen-Ning Yang and Tsung-Dao Lee.Walking on the quiet campus, students and teachers travelled back to the time when the students had to read in the tea house and worked hard to strive for the country’s development. Another meaningful trip took place in a socialist new village--Chengzi Village in Menglun County, Xishuangbanna. Guided by a local villager, we went into the small village, which has about 300 households. The buildings are all traditional Dai-style. Yet, instead of rammed earth and thatch, the buildings are all made of cement and bricks, which are more solid and water-proof.International students were surprised by China’s rural development and one student from Tajikistan noticed that many households have stuck the photos of President Xi on the walls and asked why. “That is because the houses used to be decrepit and Chinese government started to help them restore their houses and explore local tourism resources and bring in innovative ways to increase the income of local residents since 2012”, answered Ms Zhang, from ICTP-AP. Then she pointed at the QR-code hung up on the fruit trees grown on the side of the path and explained that visitors can pick the fruit from the tree and pay by scanning the QR-code without talking to the owner. When we came to a local household, we were invited to make local snacks with the Dai people. Students enjoyed themselves and deeply experienced China’s cultural diversity and ethnic harmony and unity. After the six-day learning and experiencing, the international students have broadened their horizons and strengthened their friendship with students from different institutes. They have also learnt more about China’s national condition and cultural diversity. 

Celebration Party for the Mid-Autumn Festival
Celebration Party for the Mid-Autumn Festival
by Le Zhang - Sep 23, 2023

To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, ICTP-AP has held a gathering party at Zhongguancun Campus, over thirty students signed up for the event and actively took part in this activity. ICTP-AP has prepared many delicate gifts for the participants, including small pouch filled with sweet Osmanthus flowers. To warm up the atmosphere, we also prepared a dozen of English and Chines riddles for the guests to solve. It’s a tradition for people to solve the riddles during Chinese festivals. When the participants are immersed in the joy of solving riddles, we handed out each participant a set of materials for painting plaster rabbit statues. Rabbit God, Tu’erye in Chinese, is a deity of Chinese folk religion unique to Beijing, where his sculptures are traditionally crafted. The fairytale rabbit descended to a plague-stricken world and healed people. For his good deed, he is commemorated with a lovely image and receive thanks every year. Therefore, worshipping Lord Rabbit has become a typical custom observed in Beijing. After hearing the story, the participants couldn’t wait to start their painting. After their brain-storming imagination, dozens of the plaster sculptures were vividly presented.  Another tradition of Mid-Autumn Festival is eating mooncakes. Today, participants got the opportunity to make mooncakes by themselves.  This activity helped the international students better understand Chinese traditional culture and they all felt very relaxed during the whole process, which gave them a break from the digital world and travelled back to thousand years ago to experience the romance of ancient Chinese people. Students from ICTP-AP also enjoyed this activity and they felt more connected to each other after the celebration party.

ICTP-AP, UCAS Welcomed 14 new students in 2023
ICTP-AP, UCAS Welcomed 14 new students in 2023
by admin - Sep 8, 2023

On September 6th,2023, Ms. Meng Fanzi, the media and liaison secretary of the International Centre of Theoretical Physics (ICTP-AP), UCAS and the student affair secretary Ms. Zhang Le hosted an orientation for the class of 2023 and celebrated the beginning of a new academic year. All the 14 fresh graduates attended the orientation.During this orientation, Ms. Meng first extended a warm welcome to the students on behalf of the faculty of ICTP-AP and delivered a detailed introduction of UCAS and ICTP-AP to the students from various aspects, including the development of ICTP-AP and rules and regulations of UCAS. She hoped that the students could adapt to the new environment and their new identity in their academic and daily life. She also encouraged the students to participate in the popularization of science during their spare time.  After Ms. Meng’s introduction, Ms. Zhang also inspired the students to remain positive during their life, especially when they encountered any difficulty in the future. She shared a few interesting and exciting traditional events held annually on the campus and encouraged students to take part in after-class activities with friends and students from all across the country and the world. Students showed great curiosity and an enormous sense of exploration in their study and life ahead of them. Some raised question about how to become a doctoral student in the future and some asked about how to learn English well and be prepared for the application of international exchange programs, from their questions, we could see the infinite potential and hope in them.  Aiming to help the students better fit in the new environment, this orientation enables students to know better about each other and ICTP-AP, and solidates their bond with each other. We wish every student well in the months to come and look forward to everything that they’ll accomplish together.              Photo taken by Gao Qiyuan, a fresh student of ICTP-AP

The 2023 ICTP-AP Summer School Coming to a Close
The 2023 ICTP-AP Summer School Coming to a Close
by admin - Jul 4, 2023

On July 3,2023 the closing ceremony of the 2023 ICTP-AP Summer School was held successfully on Zhongguancun Campus of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(UCAS), marking the end of this year’s summer school.On the closing ceremony, faculty including professor representatives, administrative staff and postdoc representative all showed up, with a student representative pre-recorded video being shown on the stage.                                         At the very beginning of the ceremony, Dr. Min Zhang showed a video that recorded students’ activities over the past three days, from the opening ceremony on the evening of June 30 to the last day’s visit on Yanqi Campus. On the first two days, students enjoyed an academic feast characterized by 10 lectures given by professors of UCAS, including a CAS academician, Professor Yue-Liang Wu, who is also the director of the ICTP-AP.                                         Lecture given by CAS academician Yue-Liang Wu via videoThese two days also witnessed heated discussions between teachers and students, which inspired the students and provided a valuable experience for them to talk to the distinguished professors and peers from across the country face to face.                                                                                At the end of the video was their last day’s visits to places including the Museum of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Two Bombs and One Satellite, the history Museum of UCAS on Yanqi Lake Campus of UCAS, which helps the students better understand the “huge campus” atmosphere and the history and development of UCAS.  Students at the Museum of CAS and Two Bombs and One SatelliteStudents at the History Museum of UCASAfter a brief break on the campus, students then visited the National Space Science Center (NSSC) and went to the lab of the Institute of Mechanics,CAS. This special experience allowed Students to learn more about our country’s rapid development in space science and knew more about the significance of gravitational wave exploration.                                                                                                                                      Students going into the Lab of the Institute of Mechanics, CASAfter watching the video, Professor Jun Zhang, as the professor representative of ICTP-AP, delivered a brief speech to the students and extended warm thanks to all the participants and organizers of this event. And then, Yuxin Liu, a doctoral student of ICTP-AP who is currently exchanging abroad, shared his experience about the advantages of studying in UCAS and how grateful he is as a student of ICTP-AP. He also encouraged the fellow students to work hard and pursue their dream in scientific studies and research.To help the students to learn more about Taiji Space Program, the post-doctoral He Wang also gave a brief introduction of his scientific work at ICTP-AP. After Dr. Wang’s speech comes the most unique and interesting part of the ceremony. Students who have been divided into four groups on the opening ceremony gave vivid and elaborate preseantations on their topics. Professors present said that the students have done a great job, and they also commented on their reports and shared their own insights respectively, which helped students to learn the strengths and shortcomings of their own work. Professor Tian commented that this is the most special and unique closing ceremony of summer school that he has ever been to, which is a huge encouragement to all the participants of this event.                     Closing CeremonyAfter the professors’ hard-hitting and professional comments, two groups won the prizes, which are the cultural and creative souvenirs of ICTP-AP, for their excellent group performance. Dr Min said that this is to encourage students to work hard and value the spirits of team work. Then comes to the most exciting part that the students are waiting for, that is to reveal the final 19  Students of Excellence.With the end of the closing ceremony, this year’s ICTP-AP summer school also came to a period, yet this special memory during the past four days will be carried by every participant. It provided students from universities across the country with a great opportunity to know about each other, talk with each other and most importantly, to have academic exchanges with the professors in the field of the advanced scientific research and to experience the study and life at ICTP-AP, UCAS in an immersive way.

The Opening Ceremony of the 2023 ICTP-AP Summer School has kicked off on Zhongguancun Campus
The Opening Ceremony of the 2023 ICTP-AP Summer School has kicked off on Zhongguancun Campus
by admin - Jul 1, 2023

The opening ceremony of the 2023 ICTP-AP Summer School hosted by the International Centre of Theoretical Physics-Asia Pacific (ICTP-AP) of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) and the Taiji Laboratory for Gravitational Wave Universe has been held successfully on June 30th on Zhongguancun Campus, with students coming from 21 different universities across the country. At the beginning of the ceremony, Ms Meng Fanzi, the media and public relations secretary of the ICTP-AP office has given a brief welcome to all the students participating in the event.                                                                             After that, Dr. Ming Zhang, the director of the ICTP-AP Office, on behalf of the ICTP-AP faculty, has given a warm welcome to all the students and delivered a speech on the history and development of the ICTP-AP as well as its training characteristics. He also mentioned about the distinguished professors of the center and introduced the administrative staff to the students. At the end of his speech, Dr. Zhang wished everyone a great experience during their stay here.                                                                                 After Dr. Zhang’s detailed and vivid description, all the students knew more about the center and raised many questions about UCAS and the centre.                                                                 After the introduction by the faculty of ICTP-AP, students started to introduce themselves about where do they come from, what they like and what are their research interest. Some students also expressed their wish to become a member of the ICTP-AP in the future.                                                                                                                                      After their various and funny self-introductions, faculty of the ICTP-AP Office handed out to the students a blind box, from which the students could find their small group as well as the topic for group discussion for the next few days. Through this way, the students felt more connected to each other and became closer with one another. After drawing the group names from the box, students found their own groups and gathered together and started a heated discussion with their group members.                                                                    As time goes by, the opening ceremony ended in joyous and cheerful atmosphere and everyone is looking forward to the coming academic and people-to-people exchange in the coming days.                                                         

The first International Dragon Boat Race kicked off at Yanqi Lake
The first International Dragon Boat Race kicked off at Yanqi Lake
by admin - Jun 17, 2023

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, which falls on June 22 this year. On June 17th, the International Centre for Theoretical Physics Asia-Pacific co-hosted with the International College of UCAS and other departments to celebrate this traditional Chinese Festival, with 17 dragon boat teams composed of both Chinese and international students participating in the activity actively.Sign up areaInternational Students dressed in traditional Chinese clothes Before the race began, there are warm-up games including pitch-pot, shooting the five poisons, catching rice-dumplings as well as award-winning quiz about Duanwu              Festival. Students and faculty from the ICTP-AP also took part in the games and had a lot of fun there.  When the event’s atmosphere climbed as high as the temperature, Professor Zhongbo Hu, on behalf of Yueliang Wu, the director of the ICTP-AP, delivered an opening speech for the dragon boat race. After that, Professor Yueliang Wu and Zhongbo Hu inaugurated the dragon boat race together. Professor Yueliang Wu painted the eye to enliven the dragonProfessor Zhongbo Hu painted the eye to enliven the dragon Professor Yue-Liang Wu announced the official beginning of the boat raceStudents and faculty from the ICTP-AP formed a team boat named “ The Ripple of Space-Time” . After the coach’s patient training, the race got started. And every racer is sparing no efforts in paddling. After the race, the coach said that dragon boat racing is highly dependent on teamwork – every racer has to coordinate with each other in paddle frequency, speed as well as distance and a racer from the team said that he is looking forward to taking part in next year’s race and bringing the prize for the team. This International Dragon Boat Race, held as part of the Dragon Boat Festival Carnival provided a great opportunity for students from home and abroad to experience the profoundness and vitality of Chinese civilization. Aside from the thrilling competition, what’s more worth remembering is the common memory of team spirits and cultural exchanges among the participants.Students from ICTP-AP and the International College of UCAS