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by admin - Jul 2, 2024

Your browser does not support HTML5 video.During 27 June to 2 July, 2024, the ICTP-AP 2024 Summer School was held successfully on Zhongguancun Campus of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(UCAS). The school gathered 43 bachlor students from 28 universities to exchange ideas and stimulate interest of scientific research, and enhance students' understanding of theoretical physics. In terms of practical activities, the students enhanced their understanding of the history and culture of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences by visiting the Yanqi Lake campus and visiting the school history museum.

What is Gravitational Waves?
What is Gravitational Waves?
by admin - Dec 7, 2023

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ICTP-AP International Governing Board and International Science Council 2023
ICTP-AP International Governing Board and International Science Council 2023
by admin - Nov 28, 2023

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ICTP-AP Forum on Fundamental Physics 2023
ICTP-AP Forum on Fundamental Physics 2023
by admin - Nov 28, 2023

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FFQCP-Fundamental Physics and Quantum Century
FFQCP-Fundamental Physics and Quantum Century
by admin - Nov 1, 2023

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Taiji Data Challenge
Taiji Data Challenge
by admin - Nov 1, 2023

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FFQCP- Grand Unification and Origin of Universe
FFQCP- Grand Unification and Origin of Universe
by admin - May 19, 2023

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FFQCP-Particle Physics and Origin of Matter
FFQCP-Particle Physics and Origin of Matter
by admin - May 19, 2023

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IYBSSD2023|Forum on Frontiers of Quanta to Cosmos Physics -Sub Forum in UCAS
IYBSSD2023|Forum on Frontiers of Quanta to Cosmos Physics -Sub Forum in UCAS
by admin - Mar 24, 2023

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IYBSSD2023|Forum on Frontiers of Quanta to Cosmos Physics -Sub Forum in Qingdao
IYBSSD2023|Forum on Frontiers of Quanta to Cosmos Physics -Sub Forum in Qingdao
by admin - Mar 9, 2023

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